Posts in Category: Pet Exercise
Canine Cardio: Keeping Your Dog Fit and Happy

Exercise is important for maintaining good health–and not just for humans. Canine exercise is important for dog health, which is why it’s essential to make sure your furry friend is getting the physical activity he needs. Try these active dog lifestyle tips to help your pooch stay fit and happy:
Continue…Popular Pet Toys of 2020: We’re Making a List (and Checking it Twice)

Whether we’re ready for it or not, the holiday shopping season has begun in earnest. Leaving your pet off the gift list is likely unthinkable, but with so many pet toy options out there it can be a challenge to find something perfect for your furry friend!
If you’re having trouble deciding what to get for your furry friend this year, the team at Bowman Veterinary Hospital has you covered. We’ve put together a list of some of the most popular pet toys this year, along with some time-tested classics, so get ready to take notes. Your pet will thank you!
Continue…How to Exercise Your Pet After Surgery

If your pet has had surgery of any kind, it’s only natural that they will need lots of rest before they’re back on their paws. There will, of course, be a set amount of time for them to heal and work their way back to good health and well-being; but exercise, enrichment, and play?
Movement is critical to the recovery process, too. It allows for better healing and maintains your pet’s energy, stamina, healthy weight, and mental health. There are some cautions, though, to be aware of when you get your recovering pet moving again.
Lucky for you, your friends at Bowman Veterinary Hospital are here to advise on how to exercise your pet after surgery, for a great and safe recovery!
Continue…How Can You Help An Active Pet Stay That Way?

Conventional wisdom holds that to live a long, healthy and happy life, physical activity is not optional. Indeed, without daily or weekly exercise pets and people alike can easily fall into the category of overweight or obese. For various reasons, such as hectic work schedules, travel, family obligations, weather, and more, it’s easy to lose focus on this important health strategy.
For a healthy active pet, the consequences of modern living can be tragic. With our tips, we hope that you and your pet keep up a positive routine that not only establishes/reinforces great physique, but also the mutual affection between you.
Continue…Taking the Lead: The Dangers of Retractable Leashes

In a perfect world, our dogs wouldn’t need to be leashed, rather they would joyfully, and safely, accompany us as we go about our daily tasks. As this is clearly not the case for the vast majority of us, the daily leashed walk has become an important part of dog ownership.
Retractable leashes may seem like a good choice for an owner who wants to give their dog a sense of freedom, but the risks involved with this type of leash are considerable.