Seasonal Pet Allergies

Seasonal Pet Allergies

If your pet is constantly scratching, sneezing, or licking, pet allergies might be the culprit. At Bowman Veterinary Hospital, we’re here to help you uncover the cause of your pet’s discomfort and explore effective allergy treatments for pets to get their tails wagging happily again.


New Year’s Resolutions for Pet Owners: Commitments for a Healthier Pet

New Year’s Resolutions for Pet Owners .

Ring in 2025 with these pet care resolutions from our team at Bowman Veterinary Hospital, and help your furry family members have their happiest and healthiest year yet!


How Blood Tests Can Help Detect Hidden Health Issues in Pets

How Blood Tests Detect Health Issues in Pets.

When it comes to our pets’ health, pet parents often depend on visible signs that something is wrong. This comes naturally for us, and we do it without even thinking. We notice when our pet seems more tired than usual, or when they start limping.

But some health issues lie hidden beneath the surface. For these, pet blood work is one of the most important tools around. Blood tests for pets allow your veterinarian to understand your dog or cat’s health at a cellular level. The team at Bowman Veterinary Hospital would like to highlight the key ways blood tests can help detect hidden health issues in pets. 


Beat the Heat: Tips for Keeping Your Pooch Safe this Summer

dog getting a drink of water.

It’s summer in California, and at Bowman Veterinary Hospital, we know that means fun in the sun for people and pets alike. Part of keeping things cool, though, is minding the heat and keeping everyone safe. If you are wondering about how to recognize heat stroke in pets or about other high temperature hazards, be sure to keep reading for our best summer pet safety tips. 


Boom-Free Fourth: Strategies for Keeping Pets Calm During Firework Displays

dog with american flag.

The Fourth of July holiday season is a fun and festive one, but for many of our four-legged friends, it can be a bit stressful. Noisy gatherings and loud booms can raise pet anxiety and put our July 4th pet safety skills to the test. 

Calming Pet Anxiety 

Pet anxiety tends to peak in the summer months. Backyard parties, summer travel, thunderstorms, and fireworks can all make the world a little less predictable for our animal friends.

Help your pet to feel a little less anxious by:

  • Keeping their routine as predictable as possible
  • Not changing their diet
  • Giving them a safe, quiet sanctuary to retreat to when they feel overwhelmed
  • Using anti-anxiety supplements such as plug-in pheromones or over-the-counter solutions
  • Trying an anxiety vest 
  • Offering enriching activities like a puzzle toy to keep their mind focused
  • Engaging in physical activities such as walks with them

Be aware of potential toxins like unattended food and drinks, lighter fluid, insecticides, glow jewelry, and even unattended bags or coats that may contain human medications, vapes, or inhalers can also pose holiday risks to pets.

It is also worthwhile to check your pet escape-proofing measures. Be sure window screens and fence gates are secure in case a scared pooch decides to make a run for it. It is also important to check that your pets are microchipped and their registration accurate. 

Comforting Pets During Fireworks

Many pets (mostly dogs, but some cats, too) have noise phobias that are tested tremendously during loud events like fireworks or storms. The good news is that when we know that they are going to happen, we have a better chance to comfort our pets.

For pets who have anxiety about loud noises:

  • Move them to an interior room with no windows
  • Play soft music or other white noise
  • Allow them to spend time in a safe, comfortable place that they are used to
  • Try a Thundershirt
  • Try to not leave your pet alone during this time (you may need to arrange a pet sitter)
  • If you must take them outside, be sure that they are on a secure leash and stay with them
  • Contact us for information about anti-anxiety medications

Ideally we will want to try an anti-anxiety medication before a scary day to see how it affects your pet. Don’t give more than the recommended amount or share amongst pets without consulting our team first. 

The Fourth of July can be a very fun holiday, but if your pet doesn’t agree, that is okay. They don’t have to love it, they just need to stay safe, and these tips can help you keep them that way.

Outdoor Oasis: Tips for Crafting a Pet-Friendly Yard

Family playing in backyard with dog.

Creating a pet-friendly yard can be a great way to provide some environmental stimulation for your animal as well as to bond with them in the great outdoors. To be sure that everyone can enjoy themselves, though, Bowman Veterinary Hospital thinks that it is important that animal lovers understand outdoor pet safety and how to make sure that their outdoor oasis is a safe and enjoyable space for all. 


The Importance of Regular Pet Dental Check-ups

pet dental check up.

Like humans, our furry companions need regular dental care to ensure they lead a life full of happy tail wags and contented purrs. At Bowman Veterinary Hospital, we understand the importance of pet dental care to overall health and well-being, and we’re committed to keeping your pet’s smile bright and healthy.  


A Guide to Pet Nutrition

pet nutrition.

Pet nutrition is a cornerstone of health and wellness. Finding a balanced diet for pets can help ensure they live longer, healthier lives. With so many pet food choices on the market, it can be hard to decide which is best for your furry friends. Use this guide to narrow down the selection and find the nutrition your pet actually needs.


Top Dog Health Problems and What to Do About Them

A woman hugging her dog.

No matter how much we wish that our pets never got sick or injured, we are still not at a place in modern medicine where we can prevent these things entirely. While good wellness care goes a long way, Bowman Veterinary Hospital still sees plenty of sick patients. We would love to share with you, though, the top dog health problems we see and our advice to navigate them better. 


Fall Pet Allergies: Causes, Symptoms, and Management

Golden Retriever Puppy Scratching.

The same fall allergens that bring on the sneezing attacks and watery eyes in humans can also plague our pets, but don’t double up on the tissues just yet. Most seasonal allergies in pets manifest in the form of itchy, irritated skin. 

At Bowman Veterinary Hospital, we treat allergy patients year round, and we’re here with helpful tips on allergy management for pets.
