Posts in Category: Uncategorized
Covid 19 Alert

We are excited to announce that beginning Monday, June 1st we will begin offering in-clinic doctors appointments as well as scheduling elective procedures and wellness visits.
Our lobby is still closed and we will only be allowing a limited number of clients, but it’s a step towards an easier appointment process and a step towards normalcy. Of course, if you prefer not to be present in the building we will continue to offer appointments via our Curbside Service.
Continue…Adopting a Shelter Pet
Thinking about adding a pet to your household? Why not consider adopting from a shelter? Shelters and rescues are filled with animals waiting to be adopted. Dogs and cats of all ages, sizes, and breeds—purebred and mixed—can be found in shelters.

Choosing the right breed
The characteristics of different species and breeds can vary widely. Before you adopt, you should consider:
Continue…Keeping Pets Safe During Emergencies

Even though the chance of earthquake damage is much lower in Auburn compared to other parts of California (it’s actually lower than the national average), every family should have an emergency preparedness plan in place in case disaster strikes. And, if you’ve added a furry friend to your family, be sure to update your emergency plan so everyone stays safe.
Making an emergency plan
When creating your emergency plan, prepare for the worst. Disaster can strike at any time and in any place. While some areas of the country are more susceptible to hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, or wildfires, other emergencies, like house fires and power outages, can occur in any state. Prepare for a potential disaster by completing these tasks:
Continue…But Doc, Are All These Tests Necessary? Explaining the Importance of Routine Care

No one likes visiting the doctor. Adding a needle poke to your pet during her annual wellness exam may seem rough, but it can provide a lot of useful information to your veterinarian. That needle prick can be used to draw a blood sample to obtain baseline blood work on your pet, and it could help us to identify any disease processes we’re not able to see during the physical exam.
In addition to annual blood work, we may recommend a urinalysis and a fecal test so we can keep tabs on your furry friend’s kidney function, bladder health, and the presence of any parasites. Remember, our pets age much more quickly than we do, so an annual checkup is crucial to identifying diseases early and preventing them from progressing.