Choose Courtesy and Cancel: No Appointment No-Shows!

At Bowman Veterinary Hospital, we understand that schedules can accidentally get overbooked, and urgent matters can arise. We truly value our longstanding position in the Auburn community and the strong connections we have built with our pet families. We are happy to accommodate you if your schedule changes, but it is important to contact us right away if you need to reschedule your pet’s appointment.
The Polite Thing to Do
You may feel bad about having to cancel or reschedule your pet’s appointment, but it is actually far more courteous to call us than to simply not show up.
By giving us a call as soon as your plans change, we can find another time that suits your schedule so that your cat or dog can receive the care he or she needs. It also gives us time to adjust our day so that our highly-skilled, compassionate doctors can treat our other patients more efficiently.
We understand that sometimes unexpected situations come up that affect your schedule, and we are happy to work with you to reschedule your appointment if your current time slot no longer works for you. Please gives us a call if you suddenly cannot make your appointment.
Your Cancellation Could Help Another Pet
We are extremely fortunate to be part of an industry for which there is a strong demand. When the world locked down in 2020, pet adoption surged and the need for veterinary appointments followed suit. There are many cats and dogs awaiting treatment. When you cancel or reschedule as far as possible in advance of your scheduled appointment, you open up a slot for another deserving pet who needs veterinary services.
While we work hard to accommodate all of our patients, it would be incredibly helpful if you could let us know if you cannot make it in for your scheduled visit at least twenty-four hours ahead of your appointment time. This keeps us from scrambling at the last minute to make changes to our schedule.
How to Cancel or Reschedule Your Appointment
Please call us directly at (530) 823-6306, and one of our friendly staff members will be happy to help you. We look forward to seeing you and treating your pet at your rescheduled appointment.